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Dalton Gaudin

My name is Dalton Gaudin - I am an accomplished Writer, Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Photographer, Ethnographer, and Cameraman - a real jack-of-all-trades. I have traveled around the world for my work: from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong, Colombia, Denmark, the Bahamas, Istanbul, Mexico and beyond. I speak fluent Spanish, as well as un peu de Français. During my travels, I have dogsledded in subzero temperatures, gone swimming with Whale Sharks, explored ancient ruins, scuba-dived shipwrecks, driven a tractor in India, wandered brothel slums and ridden with gauchos across the Argentine Pampas.

I have worked in a number of mediums - from 35mm and Medium Format film to Virtual Reality - and for innumerable clients - like Coca-Cola, The New York Times, Facebook, Google Oculus, Tom's Shoes, AT&T, Verizon, Stouffer's, NBC, MTV, and many many more. I am also a trained ethnographer as well as documentary and corporate ethnographic interviewer with a Master's Degree in Visual Anthropology (MVA) from the University of Southern California. My life is dedicated to telling interesting stories, capturing unique images and meeting new people. I am an experientialist and explorer at heart. I would absolutely love to hear about your next project, or just hear from you in general - so please click on my contact page and send me any inquiries you may have or opportunities you wish to share. I am always ready for a new adventure and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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